Whether you’re going on a business 출장홈타이 or simply catching up with your pals, the last thing you want to do is leave the house without the right attire. But that’s exactly what can happen if you don’t plan ahead. For starters, don’t forget your passport. Aside from ensuring you don’t get deported, it’s a must-have for crossing borders. Also, pack a copy of your itinerary—including evidence of when you’ll be leaving the country—to prove that your business travel is in fact work-related.
What are the benefits of business trips?
Wrinkle-resistant dress shirts are a must, and they’re easy to wash and dry so you can wear them again. For women, pick a pair that can go from day to night, and for men, choose two contrasting pairs that are both comfortable and stylish.
Aside from the usual business-appropriate attire, you’ll want to be sure to take some time to enjoy your destination, too. This can include a spa visit, a relaxing stroll through the city, or a little time at the beach.